My study abroad trip to London with James Madison University, both adventures or comments or complaints are below. Miss all of you back home, but life is really great over here:)

Wednesday 23 June 2010

Park Hopper

These past three days, we have had absolutely B-E-A-UTIFUL weather! It's been sunny and warm with a spot of cool in the shade. We tried to convince one of our teachers to have class outside it was so gorgeous. So let's just say I have been taking advantage of my free time and been going to parks, just reading, doing some homework, or just people watching. One thing I love about the people here is they love their parks. They just sit, eat lunch, chat with friends, drink, sleep, smoke, play football, do whatever they want all times of the day. If I don't live close to a park like one of these when I grow up I will be very unhappy. The picture I took above was so adorable in Remembrance Park, and it had the two old ladies on a bench, and the boys on the other, just like middle school:) Tuesday I spent three hours in the two parks that are located at the ends of my street, Bloomsbury and Russell Square. When I got to Russell Square, there was this group of 5th or 6th grade boys, all playing with wooden swords or really big pencils. I thought they only did that in Peter Pan. I guess now it's just an upscale version, with the boys dressed in their dockers and white button up shirts and ties and using hand sanitizer when finished playing.

Walked all the way from home to Hyde Park today, which consisted of me dodging people for 35 minutes on Oxford Street, one of the most crazy shopping streets in England...And most of the park was actually covered up due to the set up for the Paul McCartney concert this weekend (really really want to go, but 60 pounds is kind of a lot...). But it was just nice to sit and eat my tuna mayonnaise (the Brits love their mayo...) in the sun and read. There is also this Elephant Parade going on here in the summer, where artists come in and paint these cute elephants to raise money to save the dying Asian elephants in India. Here's only three of them, and there's more than 200 all over the city.

As for actual things that I've done this week: Monday we had this great tour of the incredible National Theatre, and got to see backstage and all three theaters. That space was the god of all theaters. It was unbelievable! Working there must be surreal, or at least I hope the people there are grateful. Tuesday night we went to BFI and watched a famous movie called Rashomon, and it was kind of boring, okay it was really boring, but I can see why it was an inspiring and pivotal movie for film. Love my classes, except for Media & Society..where our teacher ditched us at some random museum during our outing??

In Art History today, we were missing both the USA and England final game of this round of the World Cup. So finally, our teacher decided to let us get out early, and we ran to a close bar and watched the rest of the game outside the window with other engrossed England fans. And both of our teams ended up winning:) Come on, Eng-GLAND!

Awkward Story of the Day: So when you glance out of our kitchen window, it's a gorgeous view right? Or so I thought.... After these few weeks, I think we are living behind a hotel, and I have begun to notice that many of the shades of the bathrooms, or toilets, as referred to here, are open. I will be standing next to the fridge, enjoying my morning cereal, then get a glance of someone just passing time on the toilet. One lady was there tonight when I started making dinner, and was STILL THERE when I was nearly done eating. Awkward much? Note to self: close the shades in the bathroom.

Song of the day: Chevaliers de Sangreal from the Da Vinci Code, in honor of studying Da Vinci today in Art History

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