My study abroad trip to London with James Madison University, both adventures or comments or complaints are below. Miss all of you back home, but life is really great over here:)

Monday 28 June 2010

"Is that, like a for real, jellyfish?"

This past weekend was wondeful!! Friday, we all took a trip out to the southern shores of England to Brighton! It was a bit stressful getting out there, since we missed the first train, but playing music hangman on the train made up for it. The streets of Brighton were lined with old vintage shops, new contemp shops, street vendors with crazy shoes and amber rings. But we didn't stop then, since we had a tour of the Royal Pavilion, this gorgeous and intricately and overly ornate building made by King George. There was incredible detailing in the wallpaper, creative disguises, beautifully colored rooms, and dragons holding up the chandelier's by their claws.

After the Pavilion we walked down to the Pier and had a greasy lunch of fish and chips and milkshakes. Then Laura, Katie, Ryan, Sam and I all headed to the beach. The Brighton beach was way different than any I've been to. It wasn't a sand beach, but a pebble beach, and it could actually be kind of painful if you tried to walk on it. But it was nice and relaxing to just lay there on the warm stones and chill for the afternoon. Before getting back on the train, I bough a green amber ring and cute dress for only 12 pounds. Good day:)

Saturday, Sarah, Katie, Katie T (and her dad), Ryan, Rob, and went somewhere I've been dying to go back to since we've been here. Windsor Castle. It wasn't going to be a group activity, but I really wanted to go back and see this memorable castle. In the morning, we had to flat out sprint in order to make it to the train to get out to Windsor. But we made it just in time, and again, got to see the beautiful English countryside from the train windows. Upon arriving in the little town of Windsor, Sarah and I explored a
bit, while the others grabbed a quick breakfast. Near Windsor Bridge, there was this huge flock of swans, probably the most I've ever seen in one place before!! And it was probably due to the fact that
there were multiple people feeding them...but it was really cool to see!
Windsor castle was majestic, elegant, and historically awing. In line to get our tickets, Katie, her dad, and I talked about whether we would want to be cremated or buried...kind of random. The we had these really dorky audio tours to walk around with, but it was nice to not have to walk around with a tour. We saw a Queen-sized, or excessively large, doll house (even the miniature wine bottles were filled!), St. George's Chapel (another beautiful ecclesiastical building), and lovely views.

We returned to London, after a wonderful lunch of BLT bagels, and went off to an American supporting pub to watch America in the World Cup!! Which was fun for a bit...until we lost... but overall it was a great day! Sunday was the Paul McCartney Concert in Hyde Park (with guest Joshua Radin eekk!!) that I really wanted to go to but money was an issue..:(

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